Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions

You've seen one or two bad movies in your time, right? And you've told your date, "I could do better than that." Your instincts are probably right.

You already know Hollywood seems locked into making the same tired, old plots, over and over. But you have an idea for a better movie rolling around inside your brain.

Well, here's opportunity knocking.

A former Hollywood executive is willing to make your screenplay into a movie if you're the winner of a winner-take-all competition. John Hart, former vice-president for BrightStar Productions, has founded an independent studio in Oregon, a state that is now known as "Hollywood North," and he's ready to make the winning idea into a movie.

The competition is called MakeMyScreenplay and it's the only one of its kind. The winner gets his or her script made into a feature-length movie, and here's the best part: the winner also gets fifty-percent (50%) of all revenue generated from theatrical, televison, and DVD sales.

What kind of money are we talking about here?

Well, "Blair Witch Project," a low-budget independent movie, made outside of Hollywood, grossed $140,530,114 dollars in the U.S., according to the Internet Movie Database. Another recent independent hit also made outside of Hollywood, "Napoleon Dynamite," grossed $44,540,956 in the U.S.

Can you write something like that? Or better? If you can, MakeMyScreenplay will make the movie, and you'll get half the money.

Writing a screenplay isn't that difficult. The format is a breeze to follow. What you really need is a good idea and some screenwriting software, and the will to finish it. Make it a group project. Get your whole family involved.

The rules are pretty simple and you can see them all at []. You aren't eligible if you've already won before, or you have a produced theatrical or television movie.

The winning script will be shot in Oregon in High-Definition format, with Sony's new high-definition camera, the HVR-Z1U, and we'll edit it, add music and sound effects, and send you a DVD when it's done. Then we'll show it off to the world. Neither of make any money unless we get it sold somewhere, right?

So enough whining about the bad movies you've seen. Do something about it. Write your own and we'll make it. Check out the details at [], and good luck with your script! We're looking forward to reading it.

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions

You've seen one or two bad movies in your time, right? And you've told your date, "I could do better than that." Your instincts are probably right.

You already know Hollywood seems locked into making the same tired, old plots, over and over. But you have an idea for a better movie rolling around inside your brain.

Well, here's opportunity knocking.

A former Hollywood executive is willing to make your screenplay into a movie if you're the winner of a winner-take-all competition. John Hart, former vice-president for BrightStar Productions, has founded an independent studio in Oregon, a state that is now known as "Hollywood North," and he's ready to make the winning idea into a movie.

The competition is called MakeMyScreenplay and it's the only one of its kind. The winner gets his or her script made into a feature-length movie, and here's the best part: the winner also gets fifty-percent (50%) of all revenue generated from theatrical, televison, and DVD sales.

What kind of money are we talking about here?

Well, "Blair Witch Project," a low-budget independent movie, made outside of Hollywood, grossed $140,530,114 dollars in the U.S., according to the Internet Movie Database. Another recent independent hit also made outside of Hollywood, "Napoleon Dynamite," grossed $44,540,956 in the U.S.

Can you write something like that? Or better? If you can, MakeMyScreenplay will make the movie, and you'll get half the money.

Writing a screenplay isn't that difficult. The format is a breeze to follow. What you really need is a good idea and some screenwriting software, and the will to finish it. Make it a group project. Get your whole family involved.

The rules are pretty simple and you can see them all at []. You aren't eligible if you've already won before, or you have a produced theatrical or television movie.

The winning script will be shot in Oregon in High-Definition format, with Sony's new high-definition camera, the HVR-Z1U, and we'll edit it, add music and sound effects, and send you a DVD when it's done. Then we'll show it off to the world. Neither of make any money unless we get it sold somewhere, right?

So enough whining about the bad movies you've seen. Do something about it. Write your own and we'll make it. Check out the details at [], and good luck with your script! We're looking forward to reading it.

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions

You've seen one or two bad movies in your time, right? And you've told your date, "I could do better than that." Your instincts are probably right.

You already know Hollywood seems locked into making the same tired, old plots, over and over. But you have an idea for a better movie rolling around inside your brain.

Well, here's opportunity knocking.

A former Hollywood executive is willing to make your screenplay into a movie if you're the winner of a winner-take-all competition. John Hart, former vice-president for BrightStar Productions, has founded an independent studio in Oregon, a state that is now known as "Hollywood North," and he's ready to make the winning idea into a movie.

The competition is called MakeMyScreenplay and it's the only one of its kind. The winner gets his or her script made into a feature-length movie, and here's the best part: the winner also gets fifty-percent (50%) of all revenue generated from theatrical, televison, and DVD sales.

What kind of money are we talking about here?

Well, "Blair Witch Project," a low-budget independent movie, made outside of Hollywood, grossed $140,530,114 dollars in the U.S., according to the Internet Movie Database. Another recent independent hit also made outside of Hollywood, "Napoleon Dynamite," grossed $44,540,956 in the U.S.

Can you write something like that? Or better? If you can, MakeMyScreenplay will make the movie, and you'll get half the money.

Writing a screenplay isn't that difficult. The format is a breeze to follow. What you really need is a good idea and some screenwriting software, and the will to finish it. Make it a group project. Get your whole family involved.

The rules are pretty simple and you can see them all at []. You aren't eligible if you've already won before, or you have a produced theatrical or television movie.

The winning script will be shot in Oregon in High-Definition format, with Sony's new high-definition camera, the HVR-Z1U, and we'll edit it, add music and sound effects, and send you a DVD when it's done. Then we'll show it off to the world. Neither of make any money unless we get it sold somewhere, right?

So enough whining about the bad movies you've seen. Do something about it. Write your own and we'll make it. Check out the details at [], and good luck with your script! We're looking forward to reading it.

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   

Contest Advice for Screenplay Writers


There are many screenplay contests available to the aspiring screenwriter. These contests can be a good avenue to getting one's work noticed and/or make a sale. So, it's important to make certain that you have written your screenplay to the best of your ability and according to industry standards.

The most important thing to do for any aspiring screenwriter is to first learn the basic techniques of screenwriting before sitting down to write one. I come across many hopeful writers who think that all it takes to write a script is a good story idea and a lot of explosive special effects. While a good story is important, with or without the special effects, writing that story using proper industry standards is equally important. (Please visit -- Tips for Screenwriters link for further information.)

There are specific techniques to the craft of screenwriting involving everything from act structure to proper screenplay format, which must be followed. It's difficult to write engaging characters, focused plots and entertaining screenplays without having a solid framework in which to bring it all to life.

Before any money is spent submitting your work to a screenwriting contest, it would behoove the writer to first educate himself in the "tools of the trade". There are many, many screenwriting books available as well as workshops and seminars, both online and in live classroom situations. My advice is to take advantage of them. Then, armed with the basics, write, write and then write some more.

Then before submitting your work to any screenplay competition have it copyrighted and WGA registered. (United States Copyright office: Writers Guild of America: [] )

Advice and Suggestions

I am a judge for many contests and as such, have read thousands of TV scripts and screenplays. I can assure you that the winners are chosen because their screenplays or TV scripts contain great stories and are written to industry standards. Therefore, putting your best foot forward is a must. Below are some pointers to keep in mind before you submit your screenplay.

· If your purpose is to "break into the business", make certain that the script contest you enter offers meetings with agents and/or producers as part of the prize for winning and not just cash prizes. Of course, if it is just the extra cash you're after, then go for it!

· Make certain, before you write that entry fee check and send in your material, that the screenplay contest or TV script competition is a reputable one and indeed has, in the past, delivered to its winners what it promised in its promotion.

· Presentation of your screenplay does count so make certain your screenplay follows the accepted industry standards. This not only includes using the proper screenplay format but also such things as a typo-free screenplay and the correct binding.

· Keep in mind that the industry professionals who sponsor some of these film and TV competitions do so in order to find good producible material, hopefully for lower rather than higher budgets. Therefore, entering a screenplay in a genre with a story that screams "high budget" lessens the writer's chances of winning. This means that

(1) Sci-fi special effects stories taking place on purple planets populated with giant, paisley-skinned, seven-armed, Plasmanian Wooglegorps who magically float through the air using anti-gravity belts or

(2) a 1920's Period Piece necessitating Model-T's, Zoot suits and flappers or

(3) an action/adventure story that has the bad guys blown to smithereens, along with their Lear jet, over the ocean, followed by a high-tech nuclear submarine underwater search and rescue mission while the oil slicked water burns out of control, may not be the best way to go.

· Make certain that your story is told visually. Film is a visual medium.

· Make sure you don't have "on the nose" dialogue or too much dialogue and that all the dialogue sounds natural.

· Check to make sure that your characters are interesting, engaging and have good character arcs. Nothing worse than having an unlikable hero, a wishy-washy bad guy, or a protagonist who starts out angry at the world and by the end of the story is still angry at the world having learned and changed nothing in his nature.


Once you've gone through your screenplay and are satisfied with it, have it read by someone else. After all, your story is intended for a movie-going audience so honest opinions from friends and family members will give you a feel for that audience reaction.

Then do yourself a favor and have your screenplay read by an industry professional that has experience and good credentials in the area of script analysis. A writer can become too close to his work and not be able to "see the forest for the trees". It is to your advantage to have any possible format, story, character, dialogue and structure flaws found and corrected before it is submitted to a movie or TV script contest.

While there is never any guarantee your screenplay or TV script will be a winner, writing one to the best of your ability and which meets industry standards is a must, as the competition is fierce.

I wish you great success in your present and future story-telling adventures.

Lynne Pembroke


Copyright © 2004 Lynne Pembroke,

Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   

How to Repair Damaged or Stained Textured Ceilings


Properly diagnosing your ceiling damage is the first important step in deciding how to properly proceed. Determining the source of the damage to your texturized ceiling is the important first step before moving forward. One of the most common sources of damage to texturized ceiling is water damage from above.

- Moisture Damage

If this is the case there are several things to consider. Is the source of the leak been contained resolved? Is the drywall and insulation above the ceiling been properly dried? Moreover, if the moisture has been a longer term problem or a slow leak that wasn't noticed for a longer period of time there is probably mildew that should be dwelt with prior to repairing the ceiling. Mildew and mold spores can be a serious health concern and should be inspected by a professional and cleaned up respectively.

- Smoke Damage

Another common problem people face with their ceilings is that yellowing effect caused by 2nd hand smoke from years of exposure. This yellow stain will not go away from just spraying your ceiling and there important steps to follow to insure that this stain does not bleed through.


- Spot Repair

If the damage to your textured ceiling is isolated to a small region of the ceiling you can attempt to blend it with the other texture which can be almost impossible but is doable. You can use a small aerosol ceiling texture spray. There are different brands available that give a different effect as well as different nozzle sizes. It's a good idea to experiment on a piece of cardboard to see if you can get as close as possible to your existing texture. If this is not an option or you can't find anything to match your existing texture you might have spray and retexture the whole ceiling but first you have to remove the existing texture.

- Removing old texture

If you have to or want to remove all of your old texture you must be prepared for a big messy job. The best and most efficient way to remove the old texture is a multi-step process that I will now describe. You first want to cover all your floors and any remaining furniture in the room to protect them. You will than need to spray the old ceiling texture with some warm water to soften the existing texture making it easy to scrape off. Using a large drywall putty knife you can than began scraping off the old texture. If this proves to be difficult retreat the ceiling with some warm water until the old texture is soft and easy to scrape off. Once all the old texture has been scraped off you can clean up the mess and let the ceiling properly dry before re-texturizing.

- Priming and Prep

Make sure to patch any large scratches and marks in the ceiling that may have been caused from scraping off the old ceiling texture. Once the ceiling is patched and lightly sanded you are now ready to apply a primer coat. This can be either rolled or sprayer on and is important to seal in the old drywall as well as any stains that may still be apparent. Brands such as bullseye, Zinsser and Killz are some popular primer sealers and come in water based formulas.

- Equipment Needed

As mentioned earlier you will need a widy putty or taping knife for scraping and patching. You will also need a couple rolls of two inch painters tape, painters plastic to cover the walls, a bag of spray texture and compressor with hopper gun. The spray texture mix can be bought at most major building supply stores and comes in fine, medium or coarse texture. It might be a good idea to do all your prep and primer steps before renting your compressor and hopper to minimize rental costs.

- Texturizing Spray

You will have to mix your powdered texture mix to the right consistency in order to do it right. You will want to bring it to the consistency of a thick pancake mix as this will allow it to stick properly to the ceiling without running and give the desired textured look. Hold the hopper gun 18-24 inches away from the ceiling and systematically spray the entire ceiling from one end to the other. Once done go back over any spots that seem inconsistent or light to even out the look. Once your happy with the look clean out your equipment before it dries.

- Painting the Texture

Once the texture is dry it might be a good idea to paint over the texture finish to seal it in and alter the color of the texture. Some are happy with the unpainted look of textured ceilings but it usually gives a duller look do to the fact that the texture mix is a dull cream color. If you are not happy with the color of the textured ceiling spray and are looking for a more brilliant white or a different color altogether than you will want to spray the ceiling with a quality ceiling paint.

The Day The Paint Wouldn't Dry   Redecorating Your House: Paint With Color and With Confidence   Choosing The Right Painters Tarps For Your Next Paint Job   Hints For An Easier Do-It-Yourself Epoxy Garage Floor   

Choosing the Right Paint Color for Your Bathroom

Paint is both an economical and truly transformative tool for changing the look of any room in the home, including the bathroom. When it comes time to paint the bathroom, there are a few different things that should be considered when choosing the paint color. That includes taking into account the size of the bathroom, the right color palette and the overall decor. With the right paint it's possible to easily create the perfect bathroom retreat.


Take into account the size of the bathroom when choosing paint. Generally speaking, painting a bathroom in darker shade will make it look smaller. Thus, it's ideal to choose lighter shades of paint for smaller bathrooms. Light shades of white, cream and taupe are all options. Also, if a bathroom is really large, dark or bright colors might be overwhelming. But, using dark or bright hues in a large bathroom is better than using them in a smaller bathroom.

Color Palette

When choosing paint colors it's important to stay within a certain palette. This usually means either using only cool color or only warm colors. The shade should also coordinate with the bathroom decor. If going with a cool color aesthetic, choose colors like periwinkle, watery blue and bone white. A cool color palette opens up bathrooms and makes them look more spacious.

A warm color palette is excellent for a bathroom as it enhances the skin. That makes it perfect for applying cosmetics. Some colors of paint to consider are peach, butter yellow and cream. Just as cool colors make a bathroom look airy and spacious, warm colors can do the opposite. If it is a small bathroom, stick with lighter shades of warm colors. Another option is to paint one wall in a darker warm color and paint the rest of the bathroom in a color such as cream or eggshell.


Another factor to think about when deciding on the right color paint for a bathroom is the overall design aesthetic. A lovely idea for a bathroom is to create a serene, spa-like atmosphere. Painting with cool-toned colors is ideal for an at-home spa bathroom. Some popular paint colors to use are icy blue and bamboo green.

In contrast, some people prefer a livelier bathroom. Create a Moroccan theme by using deep purple paint with accents of gold paint. When choosing paint colors for a child's bathroom, use primary shades of yellow, red and green for a vibrant, eye-catching look that is visually stimulating.

The Day The Paint Wouldn't Dry   Redecorating Your House: Paint With Color and With Confidence   Choosing The Right Painters Tarps For Your Next Paint Job   Hints For An Easier Do-It-Yourself Epoxy Garage Floor   

How to Prevent Gout Attacks With a Simple and Healthy Diet

Every time a gout attack strikes, it may well wreck all your plans for a week or even more. So you may ask yourself how to prevent these painful attacks from now on.

It is essential to realize that there's no acknowledged cure for gout, and flare-ups are impossible to anticipate. On the other hand, you should be capable to reduce the incidents and intensity of subsequent attacks simply by switching to an alkaline diet.

The Value of an Alkaline pH

The main cause of gout is a build-up of uric acid crystals within the joints. The treatment involves decreasing the level of uric acid in the body and stopping existing uric acid from crystallizing.

Normally, consuming food items which make your blood pH more acidic can accelerate crystallization, while ingesting alkaline foods may have the opposite effect. In addition to prevent the formation of crystals, an alkaline pH may also help to dissolve the deposits that already exist. These notions are considered the basis of the alkaline diet for gout.

How to Prevent Gout With the Alkaline Diet

Achieving an Alkaline pH

To obtain an alkaline pH, you must try to eat the types of food that neutralize acidity and avoid the ones that make the blood more acidic.

Ideas of foods to add to your daily diet:

While they are usually thought of as garnishes, alfalfa sprouts and parsley are a welcome boost to a salad or a soup. Raw fruits and vegetables usually have a slightly alkaline pH, so these are good additions to any meal. Specifically, melons, cherries, figs, dates, almonds, and asparagus all increase the alkalinity of the blood. When you are considering flavoring your food, the best options are cayenne pepper, natural honey and garlic. Recommended drinks include pineapple juice, sour cherry juice and apple juice.

More Alkaline Additions to the Diet

While it is important to maintain a positive alkaline balance with the meals you eat, sometimes this isn't enough to truly change the blood into an alkaline state. Go through these tips in order to achieve an alkaline pH:

One solution to improve your body's alkaline balance would be to mix 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate into an 8 ounce glass of water and drink up this mix each day. However, those who are prone to high blood pressure must avoid using this treatment because baking soda can increase blood pressure levels. You should seek the advice of a physician before trying this cure when you have hypertension. Another solution is to ingest 2 to 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily, either combined with a glass of water or sprinkled on salads or any other food items.

Now you understand how to prevent gout attacks, and this is with a very simple diet program. Boosting the alkalinity of your blood is a great method to reduce your gout symptoms and make attacks unlikely.

Be sure not to give up too soon though, as it could take some time to obtain a sufficiently alkaline pH to observe a result. Occasionally, there may even be a first period where you suffer gout flare-ups when you start the alkaline diet. This occurs because the uric acid deposits trigger pain as they break down and exit the joints.

When this initial period is over, however, it is possible to relax and begin to appreciate a gout-free life!

How to Prevent Gout Attacks With a Simple and Healthy Diet   

Product Creation Tips for Newbies

If this article has caught your attention then I'm assuming that you are either completely new to starting a business online or perhaps you have only been selling affiliate products up to this point and now want to create your own products and keep 100% of the profits. Either way you are here because you haven't tried to make your own digital product or have got bogged down in the process and not completed it. It is my aim to give you some pointers on how to simplify the process and get your product ready for promotion as quickly as possible.

Let's talk about the format of your digital information product first of all. There are 3 main types: eBooks, audios (usually mp3s) and videos. Some more complex products and programmes may combine two or three of these types. So which should you start with to get your first product completed in the shortest possible time and with the least effort? I advise that you start with creating an audio product. It is simple, quick and cheap to make.

Before I talk about how to actually record your audio product, I want to talk about the importance of preparation. To really make the creation process as straightforward and fast as possible you need to first create an outline of the content you are going to include. This means breaking down the topic of your product into 6 - 10 sub-topics. Then for each sub-topic make brief notes, preferably in note form, of the key points you would need to cover. Finally decide on the most logical order to present these sub-topics so that your customer can easily understand your material and know exactly how to use it to achieve their desired outcome.

Now with this outline in hand you are prepared to actually start recording. You will need a couple of basic resources: a microphone and recording software. Many computers have an in-built microphone but it is worth investing a small amount in buying an external microphone that plugs into a USB port. You probably already have free audio recording software too. If you are a Windows user look for Windows Movie Maker in your programs section and I believe Mac users have something similar. If not, look for a free program called Audacity online.

This next part is probably the hardest - having the courage to just start recording. Don't worry about what you sound like or getting everything perfect. The main thing to focus on is conveying your enthusiasm and your listeners will forgive a lot if the content is great.

Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   Working With Top iPhone Developers for Best Solutions   

Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed

In this article I am going to expose a myth that has been floating around for as long as I can remember. This myth claims that when choosing a niche, you should aim for high demand and low competition. Maybe this philosophy has just been misunderstood, but if you take these words at face value, they just aren't true. Today I'm going to explain why this advice is all wrong and help you know how to create products in highly competitive niches.

First let me make it clear, competition is good. It there's little or no competition in a niche, this is an indicator that very little if any demand for a product exists. After reading the statement I just made you may wondering how it's possible to compete in highly competitive markets against marketers who have massive budgets and resources.

The real key to choosing and marketing a niche is specificity. For example, we all know the weight loss niche is highly competitive. There are "lose weight" infomercials running every night on television and who can count how many books have been written on this topic?

If you wanted to create an info product such as an ebook on weight loss, then you'll need to think like normal consumer searching the internet for help losing weight. Most likely, when someone is searching online for weight loss information, he or she is looking for something very specific. Most all web surfers realize that typing a general term like "weight loss" isn't going to generate the results they're looking for. They type a specific term that targets their problem area(s). This wasn't true 15 years ago because the internet was still relatively new and small. However, now it's possible to find very detailed information on practically any topic. Therefore, the general public's search activity has changed over the years.

I actually created an article on weight loss a few years ago to prove that competitive niches are the ticket. I wrote it on a very specific topic with a very targeted title, "How to Lose Weight in the Stomach Area". To date, this one article has generated over 18,000 views, far more than any other article I've written. If I had written a general article on weight loss with a broad title such as "Weight Loss Tips", there would probably be very few views and hardly any clicks in my resource box.

Now the key to promoting a product in competitive markets is to use content marketing methods to promote your product (blogs, article/video marketing, etc.). Pay per click advertising would be outrageously expensive and it's not as effective.

In conclusion, don't be afraid to create and market an ebook on a competitive niche. Again, the key is specificity in your content marketing campaign.

Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   Working With Top iPhone Developers for Best Solutions   Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products   How Gamification Can Turn Businesses Into Winners   

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